Jan 2Liked by Charlotte

A mum of three is a SuperMum <3

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I thought having three was the tipping-point, because you can no longer play man-to-man, you gotta’ play zone - four is unfathomable to me (although I have three siblings, so, intellectually, I know it happens).

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I just can't get on board with it, it's too much. I already walk into the living room at times and think "wow, that's a lot of children" 😂

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Hey Charlotte, I found Baby Brain the other day and gotta say... perfect timing! Myself and my husband are looking to start a family soon and I loved your honest take on whether or not you'd have a fourth child. Or being somewhere in between. My husband and I have always said we want a big family (if resources, experience, time etc. permits) so it was really lovely to hear about the real thoughts and considerations that go into it for you.

It struck me how invested the rest of the world is when it's such a deeply personal decision. But also very nice to hear the warm hearted commentary too. Looking forward to reading more of your posts!

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Hi Renee! Good luck with starting your family, it's a real journey but an absolutely amazing one. People do become very, very invested. Just yesterday I was asked three times if I was planning on having any more (all by strangers.) You get used to it and it's not ill intentioned for the most part, but it can get a tad tedious! Thank you so much for you comment

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Thanks Charlotte! We are both excited and nervous but now feels like the right time :) My grandmother has been asking us for great-grandchildren for YEARS so for now, I'll just assume it might be like that but turned up a few notches! I'm glad you (kinda) get used to it even if it's sometimes tedious! All the best and have a great rest of the week

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All the best to you, too! xx

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What a delightful story. I love your writing style. Nicely done! (And thanks for following me so I could find you!)

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Thank you so much, Kim! Your comment made my day :)

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BTW, I have a cinnamon bun problem, too. Must be a sign of genius, eh?

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Absolutely. I eat so many I might soon turn into one, so let's hope cinnamon buns can type 😂

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The audacity of people towards mothers is astounding! I bet if the kids were all out with their dad no one would say a thing aside from “what a great dad!” 🙄 I grew up in a large blended family (8 kids between my parents and their respective partners) and it was, for the most part, great but I know my parents and partners got a lot of comments when we were out in full force!

I only have one child and don’t intend to have any more, and get so many comments about that—I’m selfish, I’ll regret not having more, my child will be lonely or an only-child-nightmare-kid. One child, three children, ten children—mums just can’t win!

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Mums really can't win, you're right - not in the eyes of the general public, at least. I have friends with just one child, and they get all sorts of comments along the lines of "don't you think it's selfish not to give them a sibling". It's awful. Live and let live, I say!

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The words from the older woman were the sweetest! So wise, so positive, so uplifting! I’m so happy that I read this today! Not only does it restore faith in humans, but it should be a wake up call that our words should be used for the good & carry so much uplifting power! And side note… I am a mother of 3 with a 10 year gap between my youngest and oldest. The comments I have recieved are crazy… but now as people see the closeness of my children, the words I hear are more positive and uplifting. It makes all the difference in the world. So, today, a mother in milton, ga is going to get an uplifting comment out of the blue, thanks to your words that I read this morning!! Xoxo

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Thank you for this lovely comment, Ellen! I'm so pleased the piece struck a chord. You're right, people do need to think a bit more before they speak, and try to be uplifting. Unfortunately today I had another classic, a man walked past my friend and I, both out with two children each, and commented that we "need to find something to watch on the Tele", as though the creation of our children came about because there was nothing good on Netflix 😅. I'm very pleased to hear you'll be/you have spread a positive comment to counteract this one, I'm sure the mother that receives/d it will be very happy about it x

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I guess we can always turn to humor, right??

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28Author

Absolutely, it's the only way to survive! 😂

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Aw! Congrats! And oh yeah, I've heard 'you have hands full' many times already🤣💕

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Thank you!

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