Brilliant post, Charlotte. From where I sit, you are doing better than alright.

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This speaks to me very much Charlotte. That transition to school mum and trying to work mum is where I am at, and I will miss the community I found in those classes. I mourn them a little as the time comes round each week, but I remind myself that this is what I wanted, it is still hard moving on to the next chapter and accepting change. ❤️

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Ha! Love all this. I remember when my niece was little going to baby classes with my sister. (She’s still friends with four ladies from the group and they’ve since adopted me and we call go for lunches, teas, and outings—and the children are still friends even though they are all 12/13 now).

Your babies are gorgeous! Aww!

Also, this could be the perfect novel that is hilarious and include all your best anecdotes as well as various Mum types: “I tried to book a yoga class to attend myself, only to be told I wasn’t welcome. Drama ensued. Very low level drama that was over in the space of three texts but still, more adrenaline than I’d expected when trying to namaste.” 😂🤔

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Also, re the ghost decor if you have a big enough house to store seasonal decorations go for it? I’m in my “keep things decluttered” era but do what brings you joy. 🫶🏻 They are cute candles! My niece loves all things Halloween decor.

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Thank you so much for the shout-out! So glad you liked that post. Can we make 'poxy bitch' a term of commendation already? If so, you're a badass poxy bitch 💪 If not, then apologies. Either way, I am wearing the term 'kankerlijer' with pride. x

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