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Oh hey THANK YOU!! That makes me feel amazing. And I love your joking children. Also funny: hiding the car keys!

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Aw, big milestone for Pickle and Poppet.. how did their first days go? Also, did you cry? 🥹😆 Oh.. and "fridge cold water" is a thing in our house too!! It's the BEST! 🤩😆

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We’re in very similar places! I also love and work with babies and little kiddos, and write about motherhood and parenting etc etc etc! Love the list and your writing! Xx

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🫶🏻 I don’t have any children but still love this list.

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Also do the breath check! And yes, an empty washing basket is a beautiful (and rare!) thing

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I love love this list. Also, I’m with you with childbirth! The second was one of my favorite things, never felt more powerful.

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I also did the "breath check" and then I'd stay a minute or two, just to watch them sleep. So sweet. Also with you on the wash basket smugness. A day when I don't wash feels weird, but liberating.

I'm not sure I could trust tea making to a barista, but I'm a bit particular about how I like my hot beverages.

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Hooray that I am not the only one who neurotically checks my children are still breathing before I can sleep! Also if they sleep in…I’m in there, hand on a chest, wondering if it is really their beating heart I’m feeling or if I’ve already gone crazy with grief and am imagining it.

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A lovely list, Charlotte.

Quiet house here now daughters plus grandchildren have gone home today. You just reminded me that my six-year old granddaughter's favourite phrase this time that she directs at her three-year old cousin when he winds her up is, "I'm not buying what you're selling." Sounds so dismissive! I don't know who she picked it up from. Not me!

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Love the list, Charlotte. RELATABLE. My kid is very funny too but also his timing is frustrating so I don't allow myself to laugh. Had to explain to him that I think he's very funny and sneaky and cheeky but can't laugh because I'm also irritated, like when he takes all my cheese and hides it.

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